The Influence of Organisational Characteristics on Governance Performance : A Study on the Malaysian Cooperative


  • Rusman Ghani Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz School of Accountancy, Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Shafawaty Mohamad Shabri Faculty of Business & Communication, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
  • Amdan Mohamed Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz School of Accountancy, Universiti Utara Malaysia



Cooperative Governance, Organisational Characteristics, Cooperative Sector, Malaysia


This study aims to understand the internal issues and problems faced by cooperatives that affect the performance of cooperatives in Malaysia. This study aims to determine whether the factors of cooperative resource management, the focus of cooperative employees, and the focus of cooperative stakeholders affect the performance of cooperative governance. This study uses a structured questionnaire method. The respondents comprised a cooperative board member, a senior management staff member, and a cooperative member. The analysis found no significant relationship between cooperative resource management and cooperative employee focus with cooperative governance performance. However, the study's results found that only the focus of cooperative stakeholders has a significant positive relationship with cooperative governance performance. The limitation of the study is that the study only focuses on large cluster cooperatives. Therefore, the findings of this study describe the governance system in large cluster cooperatives only. Comparison with the study's conclusions on cooperatives of various clusters cannot be done. Future research can be done by considering cooperatives of different cluster sizes. In addition, other independent variables can be added to the study model. This study has developed a cooperative governance performance model based on core values that the cooperative can use, especially as a guide in obtaining excellent cooperative governance.


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The Influence of Organisational Characteristics on Governance Performance : A Study on the Malaysian Cooperative. (2024). Indian-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance, 8(4), 3-13.

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