Innovation Co-operation Impact on Operations of Small, Medium and Large (SML) Firms

A Malaysia Perspective


  • Mohammed Ndaliman Abubakar The Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria



Innovation co-operation, small, medium, large (SML) firms, dataset


Nowadays innovation co-operations have contributed to the success and improvement of firm businesses globally. This study sought to examine how innovation co-operation influences the activities of small, medium and large (SML) firms to become innovative and perform effectively. Using a dataset of a survey study based on Malaysian Innovation Survey (NIS) and European community innovation survey (CIS) reports, a total of 1178 firms cutting across small, medium and large (SML) companies for manufacturing and service firms were examined using an open innovation paradigm in practice to understand the extent of co-operation and collaboration in performing innovation activities. The study data were analysed using descriptive statistics and logic regression model estimation for ease of comprehension. The findings showed that almost all the companies survey were involved in performing one innovation or the other. Furthermore, it reveals that different partnership was sought for co-operation and collaboration in performing their innovations.


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How to Cite

Innovation Co-operation Impact on Operations of Small, Medium and Large (SML) Firms: A Malaysia Perspective. (2018). Indian-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2(4), 4-15.

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