Assessment of Internal Auditing Position in the Private Sector in Nigeria: An Applied Study
competency, independence, work performance, internal control activities, internal and external auditors coordination, NigeriaAbstract
The significance of quality internal auditing has received serious attention in both regulatory and public attention in recent years. Essential elements of organisation internal auditing are competency, independence, quality of work performed, risk-based internal audit, internal control activities and coordination between internal and external auditors. The objective of this study is to examine the position of these quality attributes of IA in the Nigerian private sector following the recent regulatory changes. The survey questionnaire was personally administered on internal auditors using a sample of ninety-seven organisations listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) to collect information for the period December 2018 to July 2019. The findings show that all the variables are free from multicollinearity and the results of the descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviations provide that all the respondents seem to agree with the statements regarding the variables. Finally, the paper provided limitation of the study and direction for future research.
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