Effectuation Approach in Accessing Significance of Entrepreneurial Education on Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention
Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurial Education, Access to Finance, Effectuation TheoryAbstract
Using effectation theory, this study accesses the practical significance of entrepreneurial education in enhancing students’ entrepreneurial intention of examining the students’ perceived significance of access to finance as a determining factor to entreprenurship as well as the moderating effect of financial access on the relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial intention. To achieve this, an online survey via google form was sent out to UUM students who have at one time has entrepreneurial education exposure. This study includes both postgraduate students and undergraduate students, international and local students. 250 students decided to fill up the online survey within a period of one month. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 23 with pre-installed process macro developed by Hayes (2013). The findings reveal that both entrepreneurial education and access to finance contributes significantly to their entrepreneurial intention. However, the students perceive access to finance as a causal factor to entrepreneurial intention rather than an effectuation factor. This implies that the education offered can be argued to have more of managerial implications rather than entrepreneurial approach.
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