Factors Influencing Tax Compliance Intention Among Sole Proprietors: A Proposed Model
Voluntary compliance, Theory of Planned Behaviour, information dissemination, direct taxAbstract
Tax non-compliance is a unique problem as it does not only depend on the economic consequences but also the result of the combination of factors such as psychological, sociological, ethics, enforcement, tax administration, and demographics. Various strategies have been introduced by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) to combat non-compliance problems in Malaysia such as taxpayers education, programs to increase tax awareness, tax audit, and tax investigation. Hence, in this study, we have developed a new model to predict the intention to comply among sole proprietors in Malaysia. The model is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior associated with the Expected Utility Theory and Deterrence Theory. The potential factors that influence the intention to comply with tax laws such as attitude towards the intention to comply, audit factors that consist of penalty rates and the probability of being audited, opportunity and subjective norms are studied. The mediating effect of information dissemination is also examined in this study. Non-audited taxpayers are chosen as a sample to measure voluntary compliance instead of enforced compliance. This research had adopted quantitative method of data gathering by way of questionnaire. Voluntary compliance is the key to a successful tax administration. Thus, it is very critical for IRB to determine the factors that can influence the intention to comply voluntarily with tax laws.
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