Auditing Concepts and Stakeholders’ Expectations


  • Sunday A. Owolabi Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
  • Michael O. Oladiran Ajala Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria



Auditing concepts, stakeholders, true and fair, due diligence, integrity


The mixed reactions occasioned by disappointing top-level financial reporting failures has not dampened the unsettling loss of confidence of key players and other financial statement users on the relevance of audit and financial statements in making the right investment decisions. There is a contemporary debate trying to resolve mixed feelings and misplaced perceptions of auditing concepts in filing widened expectation gaps of auditor’s expression of opinion. Contributing to the argument involves a detailed review of auditing concepts and broadening the understanding and educating the stakeholders on the essence of auditing. In this consideration, the study employed an exploratory research approach, reviewed related materials, journals, and periodicals in the field of auditing and financial accounting. The outcome of the review showed that Auditing concepts are specific and inclusive. Auditors are guided by these concepts and standards set out by the international standards on auditing. While these concepts are valid, there are divergences and misconceptions of what stakeholders expect from the audited financial statements. The study recommended that stakeholders require audit education and understand the essence of auditors’ reporting dilemma of regulated auditing guidelines or go beyond the auditing standards to please the stakeholders’ expectations.


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2025-02-18 — Updated on 2020-04-01



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How to Cite

Auditing Concepts and Stakeholders’ Expectations. (2020). Indian-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance, 4(2), 46-60.

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